This survey was conducted during the AB meeting.
The participants rated the following patterns:
1. Step-specific time-frequency pattern Summary: Gait events, such as initial and final contacts, will be derived from multiple datasets. Time-frequency decompositions locked to these events will be analyzed, with potentially influencing factors parameterized.
2. Characterization of gait artifacts across different systems Summary: Based on known parameters for assessing signal quality during gait, we can assess whether and how gait-related artifacts vary across different hardware systems and laboratories.
3. Influence of preprocessing on EEG results during walking Summary: Compare the impact of various defendable preprocessing pipelines on gait-related spectral perturbations (GRSP) and event-related potentials (ERP) across multiple hardware setups and laboratories.
4. Gait-related modulation of secondary task correlates Summary: Can we replicate often- reported modulations of EEG dynamics underlying cognitive task performance, e.g. reduced P3 amplitudes during walking?.
The following statistics were calculated:
Number of participants: 26
Average rating for each pattern:
1. Step-specific time-frequency pattern Summary:
Average rating 4.27
2. Characterization of gait artifacts across different systems Summary:
Average rating 4.04
3. Influence of preprocessing on EEG results during walking Summary:
Average rating 4.42
4. Gait-related modulation of secondary task correlates Summary:
Average rating 4.08
Please provide a rough estimate how many datasets with
a new protocol your lab could provide (N=?)
EEGManySteps Initiative Collaboration Invitation
Goals definition with AB
We had the second meeting of SC and AB December 3rd, 2024. TThe meeting used as an opporutniy to discuss the goals, and refine the scope of the project. Additionally members of SC and AB were invited to complete a sruvey on the project goals. A summary of the results can be found below, based on the raw data here. The meeting slides can be found here.
Summary survey:
Kick-off Meeting in September
We had the first meeting of the EEGManySteps initiative on September 5th, 2024. The meeting was attended by 21 participants. The meeting was an opportunity to introduce the initiative, recap what happend since MoBI 2024, discuss the roles of the Steering Committee and Advisory Board, and plan the next steps. The meeting slides can be found here and the minutes here.
Next steps:
- Ask for participation via mailing lists (EEGLab, fieldtrip, MNE)
- Open goal proposals
- Steering Committee and Advisory Board will shape goals
- Steering Committee defines WPs which can address the goals
- Identify potential funding opportunities
Planned milestones:
- Position paper (2024/2025)
- Apply for funding (early 2025)
Start of the Initiative
We invite you to collaborate on the EEGManySteps initiative, aimed at understanding how different setups in mobile electroencephalography (EEG) experiments influence the results. EEGManySteps is an international, inter-institute effort focused on collecting and analyzing EEG data across multiple laboratories to investigate these influences, starting with a specific focus on gait-related features.
We are currently forming the decision-making structure of the initiative, which may change through further open discussions.
How to Participate
Please let us know via email ( if you would like to assume one of the following roles:
- Steering Committee Member
- Advisory Board Member
- Data Set Contributor
- Analyst
Each role is described below. Please note that the roles of Steering Committee Member and Advisory Board Member cannot be chosen simultaneously. The final decision on your commitment can follow after some period when the responsibilities are better defined with mutual agreement.
Tentative Role Definitions
Steering Committee Members
Expected to attend monthly meetings and take on specific tasks within the project. Minimal requirement: Authorship in one or more peer-reviewed MoBI paper or extensive experience in similar open science projects. Minimum active period at least 1 year.
Advisory Board Members: Provide background support and feedback during quarterly/biannual meetings to guide the project’s direction. Minimal requirement: First or last author in a peer-reviewed MoBI/Biomechanics paper or extensive experience in similar open science projects. Minimum active period at least 1 year.
Data Set Contributors
Provide access to EEG datasets recorded in mobile settings. Detailed requirements are still to be determined.
Minimal requirement: Responsible for the acquisition, curation, or formatting of mobile EEG data.
Participate in analyzing specific research questions related to mobile EEG data.
Minimal requirement: Experience with the analysis of biomechanical or MoBI data.
Upcoming Event
We also invite you to join the virtual Kick-off Meeting in September, with the exact date and time to be determined through a poll. Please email us to access the poll and receive the meeting link.