EEGManySteps - Team
This page serves an an overview of individuals who have agreed to support to the EEGManySteps project. The definition of roles and responsibilities can be found at the bottom of this page.
(current) Steering Committee Members (with affiliation)
- Liyu Cao (Zhejiang University, China)
- Elena Cesnaite (Münster University, Germany)
- Aitana Grasso Cladera (Osnabrück University, Germany)
- Claudia Gianelli (Università di Messina, Italy)
- Nadine Jacobsen (Oldenburg University, Germany)
- Sein Jeung (TU Berlin, Germany)
- Simon Ladouce (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Janna Protzak (Emory University, Germany)
- Julian Reiser (IfADO, Germany)
- Yahya Seyed Shirazi (SCCN, USA)
- Yu-Fang Yang (FU Berlin, Germany)
- Julius Welzel (Kiel University, Germany)
- Anna Wunderlich (TU Berlin, Germany)
(current) Advisory Board Members (with affiliation)
- Fiorenzo Artoni (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Tjeerd Boonstra (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
- Stefan Debener (Oldenburg University, Germany)
- Benedikt Ehinger (Stuttgart University, Germany)
- Dan Ferris (University of Florida, USA)
- Klaus Gramann (TU Berlin, Germany)
- Barbara Händel (Würzburg University, Germany)
- Julia Kline (National Institutes of Health, USA)
- John Iversen (SCCN, USA)
- Agatha Lenartowicz (UCLA, USA)
- Scott Makeig (SCCN, USA)
- Walter Maetzler (Kiel University, Germany)
- Uroš Marušič (Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia)
- Pierfilippo De Sanctis (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA)
- Mathias Vukelic (Universität Stuttgart/Fraunhofer IAO, Germany)
- Edmund Wascher (IfADO, Germany)
- Bernadette van Wijk (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Bettina Wollesen (German Sport University Cologne, Germany)
- Tomer Yona (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
- Catharina Zich (University College London, UK)
- Natalie Richter (University of Winnipeg, USA)
Role Definitions
Steering Committee
Expected to attend monthly meetings and take on specific tasks within the project. Minimal requirement: Authorship in one or more peer-reviewed MoBI paper or extensive experience in similar open science projects. Minimum active period at least 1 year.
Advisory Board
Provide background support and feedback during quarterly/biannual meetings to guide the project’s direction. Minimal requirement: First or last author in a peer-reviewed MoBI/Biomechanics paper or extensive experience in similar open science projects. Minimum active period at least 1 year.
Some additional roles will become relevant later in the project:
[Data Set Contributors] Provide access to EEG datasets recorded in mobile settings. Detailed requirements are still to be determined. Minimal requirement: Responsible for the acquisition, curation, or formatting of mobile EEG data.
[Analysts] Participate in analyzing specific research questions related to mobile EEG data. Minimal requirement: Experience with the analysis of biomechanical or MoBI data.